Excel Matrix Functions- How to Create a Matrix in Excel Like a Pro?

MS Excel is a powerhouse in spreadsheet software and isn’t just about tables & charts. It has a range of innovative features, and among them, Excel matrix functions stand out for their expertise in data analysis. Matrix is one of the handy functions in Excel, it is a collection of numbers that are arranged into several columns and rows. Well, in this blog, we will delve into the world of matrix functions, practical uses, and how to create a matrix in Excel.

So, let’s get started…

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Quick Navigation:

What is Matrix Function in Excel?

A matrix function is a square or rectangular-shaped array of elements, that are arranged in columns and rows, that are used to show the placement of the concepts along with two axes. Excel offers useful templates, using which you can build your matrices according to your professional needs. In simple words, Matrix could contain complex numbers however we won’t see those numbers.

For example, you can make use of a matrix to demonstrate four combinations of two concepts. By making use of a SmartArt graphic in Excel you will be able to create a matrix that you can include in your spreadsheet.

What Are the Advantages of Using Matrix?

In Excel, using matrices can offer numerous advantages, especially when dealing with large data sets and performing complex calculations. Here’re some key advantages:

  1. Data Manipulation: MS Excel offers various matrix functions & tools that allow you to perform several operations on matrices efficiently, such as multiplying, transposing, etc.
  2. Organized Data: Matrices offer a structured way to organize the rows & columns in the spreadsheet, making it easier to understand.
  3. Array Formulas: Matrix functions are often used with array formulas, allowing one to perform calculations on multiple items in an array.
  4. Visual Representation: Microsoft Excel lets you visually represent matrices via conditional formatting & data visualization tools.
  5. Data Analysis: These Excel functions are vital for various data analysis techniques, including algebra operations.
  6. Integration with Other Features: Matrices in Excel can be integrated easily with other features such as charts, Power Query, and pivot tables.

Also Read: Unlock Excel Secrets: ISERROR Function in Excel Revealed for Beginners

Types of Matrix Functions

1- MINVERSE Function in Excel

The MINVERSE Matrix function means that it returns the inverse of the matrix of a given array formula. This is generally entered as an array function and so it must be entered by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Enter.
Not all but some Square matrices have inverses. To verify that these facts are correct inverses you will have to multiply two matrices together.

Excel Matrix Functions
A matrix with no inverse has a determinant of zero in it and it is said singular.
A square matrix with an inverse is said: “nonsingular” or “invertible“.
A square matrix with no inverse is said “singular” or “noninvertible“.

2- MMULT Function

The MMULT Matrix function is the one that returns the product of the two matrices. To multiply two matrices together there must be a common dimension in them. The number of columns in one should be equal to the number of rows in another. You can enter this function by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Enter.

For example: If you multiply Matrix A with Matrix B the result will not be the same as when you multiply Matrix B with Matrix A.

3- TRANSPOSE Excel Matrix Functions

The TRANSPOSE Matrix function means that the new matrix is formed by interchanging columns and rows of the original matrix. Transposing of an array means converting columns into rows and rows into columns.
This is generally entered as an array function and is thus entered as Ctrl + Shift + Enter.


4- MDETERM Function

The MDETERM Matrix function means that it returns the matrix determinant as an array formula. This function has an accuracy of only 16 digits so that a singular array returns a result that differs by 1E-16.

Also Read: 7 Most Underrated Excel Functions You Must Try

How to Create a Matrix in Excel Easily?

Follow the below steps to create matrix in Excel:

For 2016 and later versions:

Step 1- Click on Insert tab >> Select Illustrations group and click on SmartArt.

How to Create a Matrix in Excel


  1. Choose a SmartArt Graphic gallery, click on Matrix, then click on a matrix layout and click OK.
  2. To enter a text in the matrix, follow the steps:
    • Click on [Text] in Text pane and type the text.
    • Copy the text from another program, click on [Text] in Text pane, and paste the text.

Step 2- Click on a box in SmartArt graphic, and type the text.

SmartArt graphic

For 2007, 2010 & 2013 version:

Step 1- Click on Insert tab >> Select Illustrations group and click on SmartArt.

  1. Choose a SmartArt Graphic gallery, click on Matrix, then click on a matrix layout and click OK.
  2. To enter a text in the matrix, follow the steps:
    • Click on [Text] in Text pane and type the text.
    • Copy the text from another program, click on [Text] in Text pane, and paste the text.

Step 2- Click on a box in SmartArt graphic, and type the text.

Excel Matrix Functions

How Do You Insert a Data Matrix in Excel?

How to Choose a Different Matrix Layout?

  1. Right-click on the matrix that needs to change the layout, and clicks on Change Layout.
  2. Click on the Matrix, and choose:
  • Basic Matrix to show whole quadrants in one.

  • Titled Matrix to show four quadrants to the whole

  • Grid Matrix to emphasizes the quadrant instead of whole components

Easy Steps- How to Move a Box in a Matrix?

  • Click on the box that you want to move and drag it to the new location. OR
  • You can hold the CTRL key while pressing the arrow keys on the keyboard.

How to Apply SmartArt Style to the Matrix?

A SmartArt Style comprises various effects like bevel, line style, or 3-D, that can apply to boxes in the SmartArt graphic for creating a professional and unique design look.

  1. Click on the SmartArt graphic that you want to make changes to it.
  2. Under the SmartArt Tools, on the Design tab, in SmartArt Styles group, click on the SmartArt Style you want.

3. Check out more SmartArt Styles by clicking on More button.

By doing the above steps you can apply SmartArt style to your matrix.

Also Read: HLOOKUP Vs VLOOKUP: Clear Contrast Between Excel Lookup Functions

Related FAQs:

What Is Matrix Used For?

Matric functions are useful for describing differential equations or systems of linear, as well as representing the linear application in spreadsheet.

Can Excel Solve Matrices?

If are working with the linear equations, then you can quickly solve it by using Excel Matrix formulas.

What is the Formula for TRANSPOSE?

=TRANSPOSE(array) is the formula for TRANSPOSE function.

What Is an Example of Mmult in Excel?

The MMULT function in Excel takes 2 arguments, one is array1 and another is array2, both of are essential. For instance, you can multiply a 2 x 3 array by a 3 x 2 array to get a 2 x 2 array result.

What Is the Shortcut for Transpose in Excel?

After copying the content, you can use paste special transpose shortcut: Ctrl + Alt + V.

Wrapping Up

Excel matrix functions are daunting tools for anyone dealing with data analysis. But from now on, using matrices is not such a difficult task. By navigating this article, you can perform complex calculations more efficiently. So, explore and implement these functions in your worksheet to unlock the true potential of Microsoft Excel.

Priyanka is a content marketing expert. She writes tech blogs and has expertise in MS Office, Excel, and other tech subjects. Her distinctive art of presenting tech information in the easy-to-understand language is very impressive. When not writing, she loves unplanned travels.