Fixing Excel Formulas Not Updating Automatically- 2024 Guide!

Are you encountering an annoying issue where your Excel formulas not updating automatically? If so, then you’re not alone. Many users have experienced and reported this problem, causing delays and errors in their Excel worksheets. In this blog, we will delve into the common factors behind this issue and provide quick resolutions to troubleshoot it. Also, you will learn some precautionary measures here to prevent it from happening in the future.

So, just go through this article thoroughly…

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Why Is My Excel Formula Not Updating Automatically?

In MS Excel, formulas and functions play a vital role in performing complex calculations & providing results of data analysis using formulas within the spreadsheet. But sometimes, Excel formulas not working or updating due to various unforeseen reasons. Some of the major factors are listed below:

  1. Incorrect or broken cell references
  2. Your calculation is configured to “Manual
  3. The show formulas button is enabled
  4. The cell is formatted as Text
  5. Before the Equal sign, you have entered space.

How to Fix Excel Formulas Not Updating Automatically Issue?

To resolve this issue, follow these troubleshooting methods:

Solution 1- Calculation is Set to “Manual”                  

This is one of the most common reasons responsible for triggering the Excel formulas not updating automatically.

So, check if the calculation option is configured to “manual” and then set it to “Automatic” to fix the problem.

Excel Formulas Not Updating Automatically

Well, the steps may vary as per your Excel version so here follow the steps for the different Excel versions.

  • Excel 2003 – Click Tools > Options > Calculation > Calculation > Automatic.
  • In Excel 2007 – Click Office button > Excel options > Formulas > Workbook Calculation > Automatic.
  • Excel 2010, 2013, & 2016 – Go to File > Options > Formulas > Calculation options section > under workbook calculation > choose Automatic.

Now check if the formulas not updating automatically issue is resolved or not.

Also Read: Excel Sum Formula Not Working Returns 0: A Step-by-Step Guide

Solution 2- Show Formulas Button is Turned On

If the above-given solution won’t work for you then check if the Show Formulas button on the Formulas tab is turned on. There are chances the formulas do not work or update if it is enabled. Well, this button is mainly used when auditing formulas this displays formulas in place of the result.

However, this tab is helpful if fixing a formula malfunctioning.

And to change it click the Show Formulas button and Turn it Off.

Show Formulas

Verify if the formulas not updating in Excel are resolved or not.

Solution 3- Check if Cell is formatted as Text to Fix Excel Formulas Not Updating Automatically

Well, if you have accidentally formatted the cells including formulas as Text, then this is what causes the problem. When the cell is in Text format, the cell will not calculate formulas automatically.


So, click on the cell and of the Home, tab check the Number group > if it displays Text > then change it to General.

Fix Excel Formulas Not Updating Automatically

You can now recalculate the formula in the cell by double-clicking on the cell > pressing Enter.

Solution 4-  Check for Circular References

Check circular references as this can be another culprit that causes Excel formulas not automatically updating problems.

The circular reference is a formula that includes itself in its calculation or refers to another cell that depends on itself.


And in some cases, this prevents Excel from calculating the formula. So check it and correct the circular reference and recalculate your spreadsheet.

Also Read: Fix Excel Formula Not Auto Calculating (5 Ways)

Solution 5: Remove the Entered Space Before the Equal Sign

This is the last solution that causes the Excel formulas not working problem. Well, while typing the formula if you mistakenly enter a space before the “Equal (=)”, then the formula will not calculate.

This mistake is quite tricky and difficult to notice and left unidentified.

Double-click the cell and check if there is a space > delete it and the formula will update.

That’s it the given formula tips will work for you and the issue is resolved now.

How to Prevent Excel Formula Not Updating Automatically In The Future?

To avoid encountering this problem again, take proactive measures:

  1. Decrease the use of volatile functions.
  2. Regularly check the Excel’s calculation settings.
  3. Double-check the formulas before finalizing spreadsheets.
  4. Make sure cell references are not broken.
  5. Avoid changing the calculation settings unless needed.

Unique FAQs:

What Are the Major Formulas in Excel?

The SUM() and AVERAGE() are two major function in Excel.

How to Force Excel to Recalculate Formulas?

You can force Excel to recalculate formulas by pressing Ctrl + Alt + F9 keys simultaneously.

Why Is My Excel Formula Not Returning A Value?

It might be possible that you have accidentally activated the ‘Show Formulas’ mode in a worksheet that’s why your Excel formula not returning a value.

How Do I Turn On Auto Formula in Excel?

To turn ON auto formula in Excel, you have to navigate to the Formulas tab, under the Calculation group, you have to click on Calculation Options >> Automatic.

What Is The Formula For A Blank Cell In Excel?

ISBLANK is the formula for a blank cell in Excel.

Summing Up

Microsoft Excel formulas not automatically updating can be a frustrating issue, but with the proper knowledge and correct troubleshooting methods, it can be fixed effortlessly. You can apply the solutions mentioned in this blog to overcome this problem and ensure the smooth operation of your spreadsheets.

Moreover, if you have any additional questions, queries, or fixes concerning the ones presented, you can ask on our Facebook and Twitter pages.

Priyanka is a content marketing expert. She writes tech blogs and has expertise in MS Office, Excel, and other tech subjects. Her distinctive art of presenting tech information in the easy-to-understand language is very impressive. When not writing, she loves unplanned travels.