Why Does Excel Track Changes Greyed Out?- Get Fixes Here!

In Microsoft Excel, Track Changes is an excellent option to use mainly when you are working as a team member and all of you have the responsibility of maintaining the workbook correctly. With this feature, you can easily identify what and by whom the changes are done. But sometimes, this Excel track changes greyed out or it no longer seems available to get used. Fortunately, this problem can be solved by trying some effective ways.

This blog covers why track changes greyed out in Excel and what are the possible solutions to tackle this situation. So, let’s get started…

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Why Are Track Changes Grayed Out in Excel?

When a workbook is shared, most of Excel’s editing features become unavailable. Among these features, the Excel track changes option is also the one that becomes unavailable.

Here, I’ve shortlisted the major factors for causing track changes Excel greyed out.

  1. Excel Track Changes option is disabled.
  2. Protected Excel workbook.
  3. Due to a Corrupted file.
  4. Incompatibility between the Excel version and the shared file.

How To Fix Excel Track Changes Greyed Out Issue?

Here’s the step-by-step methods to solve this hectic problem:

1# Remove The Shared Mode

As we all already discussed that Excel track changes grayed out also when the workbook is in shared mode.

To avoid such kind of problem, before turning on the file-sharing option, just save your workbook on a network drive within a folder. So that everyone has access to edit the worksheet data.

As such things happen because the shared workbook function has so many limitations. Meanwhile sharing the workbook you can’t perform any of the following tasks.

  • Cannot create the Excel Table
  • Worksheets deletions can’t be done
  • Merge or unmerge cells
  • Sort or Filter by Formatting
  • Insert blocks of cells
  • Change conditional formatting or data validation
  • change or create PivotCharts or charts
  • can’t Insert hyperlinks, drawing objects
  • Assign, change, or remove passwords, protect or unprotect sheets
  • Design, change or view any scenarios
  • Nor you can use the automatic subtotals
  • Group or outline data
  • You can’t change or create pivot tables using the slicers
  • Create or modify sparklines
  • Record, edit, or assign macros
  • Enter CSE or array formulas
  • Use data tables
  • Work with XML data
  • Use a data form

2# Turn On The Disabled Track Changes Option

To turn on the disabled track changes option open a worksheet and follow these options: ToolsTrack Changes Highlight Changes.

You can see that the option under the command will appear dimmed in color.

turn on track changes 1

Place a checkmark across “Track changes while editing” option.

turn on track changes 2

After that click on the down arrow present next to WhenWho, and Where. Before putting any option from your side explore the default option first.

turn on track changes 3

Suppose, in case you want to monitor the complete worksheet then left uncheck the Where option.

But to monitor only a specific section of your worksheet fill the Where option and check that section too.

turn on track changes 4

After customizing the options when you tap to the OK button, Excel asks you to Save the Workbook.

It will also give you the option Continue or Cancel. Tap the Continue button, and your workbook will get into the Shared mode. Now all changes will be easily tracked.

turn on track changes 5

After making changes in the cell, Track Changes records it and posts it with a small black triangle sign in the cell upper left corner. So when you place the pointer over that cell, the following showing screen will pops-up.

At any moment, you can accept, reject, or review the changes. For this, you need to make a click on the ToolsTrack ChangesAccept and Reject Changes.

turn on track changes 6

This will open the dialog box of select changes to accept or reject. Here you have to fill up the WhenWho and Where choices.

turn on track changes 7

Tap the OK option and then decide what changes you want to reject or which you want to accept.

Here is the most important of the Track Changes. In the bottom section of Highlight Changes screen, there is a box labeled with “List changes on a new sheet”. Until you save changes the limes appear greyed out.

turn on track changes 8

If you select this box, a history worksheet seems created which contains huge information. For the easy view, Excel uses AutoFilters formatting by default.

Be aware, because once you save the Excel workbook, this history sheet will go off. To view it again, go to the Tools Track Changes>Highlight Changes option.

turn on track changes 9

Now you have to put a check across the “List changes on a new sheet” option. After then click the OK option.

turn on track changes 10

You can either view the history of the modifications directly on your worksheets or in some separate History worksheet.

Also Read: Fix Unable to Change Date Format in Excel Issue

3# Remove the Workbook Protection

As already said, a protected workbook or worksheet can also track changes Excel greyed out problems. Therefore, consider removing the workbook by following the below steps:

  • In an opened Excel sheet, click Review tab.
  • After that, click Unprotect Workbook or Unprotect Sheet.

Unprotect Sheet

 4# Ensure the File Format is Correct

Sometimes, incompatible Excel versions and file formats can trigger this problem. So, change the file format to the current Excel-supported version by following these steps:

  • Open Excel >>“File” tab >> Save As.
  • Select some other file format that is well supported by Excel.
  • Then, click on the “Save” to check whether your track changes option is visible or not.

Ensure the File Format is Correct

Can You Track Changes Excel Without Sharing Workbook?

Excel Tracked changes option is very closely linked with the shared workbook.
Once you turn on the Excel track changes option in the workbook it will automatically take your workbook into the shared mode.

So if any feature is not available in the shared workbook then it also won’t seem available in the track changes option enabled workbook.

If you wish to monitor all the changes without turning on the track changes option then save your workbook to some personal folder rather than on the network folder.

Related FAQs:

How Do I Unlock Track Changes in Excel?

To unlock track changes in Excel, navigate to Review tab >> select Protect >> Protect Document. In Protection, you have to uncheck Protect document for. Now, enter your preferred password & select OK.

Why Can't I Enable Track Changes?

It might be possible that someone may have locked the document that’s why you can’t enable track changes.

Bottom Line

The Excel track changes greyed out issue in Excel can be frustrating but is often solvable with the correct steps. However, by following this guide and the solutions mentioned above, you can fix this problem and restore this essential feature with less effort.

Priyanka is a content marketing expert. She writes tech blogs and has expertise in MS Office, Excel, and other tech subjects. Her distinctive art of presenting tech information in the easy-to-understand language is very impressive. When not writing, she loves unplanned travels.